Friday, January 6, 2012


Dear Friends,

Greeting this New Year 2012, I see a brightness ahead for all who seek brightness, balance and beauty in their choices for their life.

* Brightness calls for accepting brilliance of a crystal clear mind, a radiant heart of love, and a body filled with energy and well-being.

* Balance calls for a life embracing faith, hope and charity, a spirit peaceful and secure, a destiny of sharing and service. 

* Beauty calls for respect, protection, and celebration of all the beautiful gifts we are surrounded with each day from the world of nature, music, foods, animals, children, poetry, thoughts, sounds, fragrance, words.

In this New Year 2012: abundance will increase dramatically; a new president will be elected; new information about space and beyond will astound us; new inventions will save lives and create hope for a better future; new co-operations among nations will increase our chances for lasting peace on earth; and new awareness for the rights of children and women all over the world will bring wellness and support for this long neglected area of need.

This is my interpretation, prayer and wish for the New Year.

What are yours? What do you feel? What are your thoughts? What do you search for in 2012.

Love, light and joy,
Amber Silverstar

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Text, titles, pictures on concepts from this blog DESTINY BRIGHT are a copyright 2012 of Amber Silverstar and all rights are reserved.