Monday, August 8, 2011


Dear Friends,

My motto for a DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE is ... "Living a mystical life in a main stream world."  What this basically means is living a life inspired by Great Spirit where you are living in the moment, intuitively, insightfully, and from the center of your being. This also means living with focus, with a vision and with a mission.

Amber goes mystical this week and so can you. You can find your own destiny by choosing your own pathway of greatest joy. To live mystically, make a decision today to reach out and direct changes in your life to create a lifestyle you can love. So often you can get caught up in living from a super-ego where you live a destiny based upon what others want, need and expect from you. Than you may make decisions from fear and take actions from anger.
THE DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE means living in the moment in the power of the now. You can live intuitively, inspirationally and insightfully.
Start your new changes today, make a choice to be whole, healthy, strong, beautiful, creative, adventurous, real ... now is the moment to begin being your true self.

Please let me know what you think. Writer to me Come follow on Twitter @angel writer now. Shop with me Books and Calendars Book a consultation, reading, special event

Love, light, and protection,
Amber Silverstar
Executive Director
Destiny Bright Lifestyles

The above photographs are by Steven Olson for DESTINY BRIGHT EYE IMAGES copyright 2011, all rights reserved. Now appearing in the book BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY BY AMBERSILVERSTAR..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011




Amber Angels, according to ancient Hebrew tradition are called: "Fiery Word Beings". What could be said about these angels of fire? Your fire angels do not come lightly into your destiny. When these angels appear, they bring heaven's calling to jump start your energy and to create new passions, new desires and new intellectual power for your life.

Among the archangels, Uriel is the Angel Of Fire. Uriel is the representation of Divine Spirit and a symbol of transformation. Uriel actually means, "fire of God". So look to Archangel Uriel as a symbol for truth, energy and transformation. Become your own "fiery word being" and speak about the truths in your life.

Is there some cause close to your heart that you feel passionately about? Today is the perfect day to share that passion. Talk may be "cheap" but when you talk about what actions you think needs to happen to bring about positive and supportive change - then your "talk" can be priceless in helping others. Stand up for yourself, your belief, your dreams, your feelings. Take the "talking stick" and express the energy you know comes as a gift from Great Spirit.

Remember to say the affirmations:

"I now speak the words of positive support and love for the truths in my world that I know and I believe in. I am inspired by the fire of energy and transformation to be the center of love for myself and others."


Love and light,

Amber Silverstar



I am creating a "green" consciousness this week and so can you. Green is the color of the heart chakra, the color of abundance, new beginnings and prosperity. We need a new vision for both the global and the national and local economies. We can help do this by having an awareness that we are all responsible for changing the world and our personal visions from one of lack, decay, and delay to growth, communication, and release.

Think green, breathe in the color green, surround yourself in green; green stones, green foods, green apparel. Broadcast out into the world the energy of green: bright green, emerald green, spring green, forest green, cactus green, orchid green, any green you love to think of.

I would love to hear from you and what you think.

Write to

Follow on facebook with amber silverstar.
Join on Twitter with angelwriternow.
Shop Amber Silverstar Creations on Cafepress & Zazzle.

Going green can open your destiny to new horizons.

For now,
Amber Silverstar

The above heart is an original photograph by Steven Olson for DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS. Copyright 2011 all rights reserved.

Monday, June 20, 2011



You are your destiny
Choose your pathway of greatest joy
Live intuitively, inspirationally, and insightfully
Use words of love
Keep your destiny bright
All is well in your world
Now is the appointed time
Today is the day of your amazing good fortune.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 27, 2011


 Dear Friends

"Living a mystical life in a mainstream world."

To live a mystical life means to live intuitively, inspirationally, and insightfully knowing your destiny, your life purpose and your pathway of greatest joy.

So much is happening all around us as the month of May comes to a close with Spring's wonderful cycle ending and our earth moving into the summer months. We have been living since the new year in a time of challenging renewal, abundant new growth, and earth changes of world-wide magnitude.

Spring skies brought increased sun shine but also violent storms reminding us of the dichotomy of all earth cycles. Some times the extra daylight lifts our spirits and tugs at our desires to be outdoors. But then again floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires bring extreme hardships for us to cope with.

In the mainstream world, we also see an extraordinary push for political and financial revolution; for throwing out the old, for trying to find the new in our belief systems, and for finding our way of living which will work for us.

Did you know you can use the dynamic revolutions of this cycle to explore your own life areas of change and growth? Understanding your spiritual connections now increases your chances of being in alignment with your spirit when you make decisions for your destiny and your future.

Live the mystical life. Live in the eternal now, the power of the moment, let Great Spirit be your supply, and know that now is the appointed time for your amazing good fortune. Be intuitive, be insightful, be inspired.

Thank you so much for joining us on this blog and on any other part of the Destiny Bright Lifestyle's Community. When you have questions ... please consider emailing me ...

Love, light and protection,
Amber Silverstar

The above illustration is called "The Summer Angel of Adventure." by Amber Silverstar, 2011, all rights reserved. Contact

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ebooks, Hardcover, Softcover, Journals, Calendars, CD ROM, Fashion, Art, Gifts, all supporting the DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE living intuitively, insightfully, and inspirationally spreading light, love, joy, and abundance throughout the world.

Bright Nature Of Beauty free journal from Amber Silverstar
just email for more information
To see other wonderful related products
with poetry and pictures for your spirit.


Friday, April 8, 2011



Dear Friends,
In this April Issue, Spring is officially here now. We are in this wonderful cycle of renewal and new growth. Here in Southern California the Wild Flowers are in bloom everywhere, so are the fruit trees, and lush green grasses. Spring skies with increased sun shine and daylight lift our spirits and tug at our desires to be outdoors. Amidst all the newness are the star signs Aries and Taurus celebrating their birthdays.

In the mainstream world at this time, we see an extraordinary push for revolution; for throwing out the old, for trying to find the new in our belief systems, and for finding our way of living which will work for us. Did you know you can use the dynamic revolution of this cycle to explore the possibility in your own life for areas of change and growth? Understanding the attributes of your star sign increases your chances of being in alignment with your spirit when you make decisions for your destiny.

Well, this is all for now. Please come join us as our new ezine unfolds Starworld 22  - http// as part of the family of Destiny Bright Lifestyles.

When you have questions ... please consider emailing me ... or visit on Facebook @ambersilverstar or on Twitter @angelwriternow.

Love, light and protection,
Amber Silverstar

STARWORLD 22 is a Trademark of SILVERSTAR MEDIA ENTERPRISES. The above image is a digital art design by Amber Silverstar for AMBER SILVERSTAR CREATIONS. Words and images in this blog are the Intellectual Property Rights of Amber Silverstar Copyright 2011 all rights reserved.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Follow the butterfly of transformation. Watch this inspirational video having in mind what you would like to transform in your life. Do this twice a day for twenty two days. Your life will so change. This video was designed and directed by Amber Silverstar. Photography is by Steven Olson. Production by Lulu Studios. 2011 copyright Silverstar Media Group with all rights reserved.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dear Friends,

In the midst of so much tragedy in Japan, I find it hard to grasp that one people could suffer so extensively from such extremes of natural disasters. A couple weeks ago I had an intuitive warning that shocking world  news would happen on March 9th. When the date came and went, I thought the intuitive message wrong. Well the earth must have begun the changes of energy on the 9th. which led to the extraordinary events of March 11, 2011. (Once again we have the numbers 11/11 having a particular message of mega shifts in the collective consciousness of humankind.).

After the earthquakes, tsunami, fires, and atomic explosions in Japan - when I saw so much devastation, I questioned even the notion of a personal God. I would ask, "Is there really a being to pray to or to ask for help from for rescue or for safety and for shelter. But then I remembered in my own life when struggles for life itself were beyond belief, I had to immediately quit the doubts of Divine Intelligence, drop all fear, judgement and anger. I had to choose to stay alive, to survive. For me, I had to live in the moment seeing all as energy and information and refuse any state of being other than love. In the moment regardless of the circumstances,  I had all the answers I needed. Then, coming from love, I intuitively knew what to do, where to be and how to respond to life threatening situations at hand.

In spite of the words above, I do know, to experience Great Spirit and love as the answer to all questions when you are desperate for food, water, clothing, shelter, and freedom from pain seems impossible to ask of anyone ... and maybe it is ... this is why I truly believe we must broadcast the energy of love for and to all those living terrified in this moment of incredible pain and fear.

When we broadcast the power of love to everyone including those who are in Japan rescuing, bringing food, water, shelter, medicine, care and whatever else is so desperately needed, everyone can feel the energy of love coming from us. This will  give all the courage and strength to survive and to choose to take their lives back into wholeness, back into love, back into the light.

You can broadcast the power of love to others, to the land, to the people, to the rescue in Japan simply by first agreeing to do so. Stay in the moment, then close your eyes and in the quiet of your own peace see the energy of love like a strong cord of golden light reach out from your soul. See the golden light of love beaming to Great Spirit. Then picture legions and legions of angels emanating from the love of Divine Presence going forward over all Japan. These angels coming from the love of Great Spirit will turn all happenings to the benefit, safety, peace and love of all people of Japan, for those from other lands and for us included.

You are loved. You are blessed. You are loving.
Amber Silverstar

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Sometimes in the middle of winter, I hear myself giving my spirit those little messages of self-doubt that can take a huge toll. Am I really doing what I am suppose to be doing? Is what I do my real purpose in life? How do I know my life is going in the direction best for living my true destiny?

Once a few years ago, as I experienced being at a crossroads, I discussed my indecisiveness with a friend. He wisely gave me an unexpected answer with a question: "Which choice would take you on your pathway of greatest joy?" Well of course in answering this question, I quickly knew what choice I would make and which direction I would take. I would choose a totally creative life style with a spiritual mission as my destiny.

Following my pathway of greatest joy is such a wonderful way of living. It is spontaneous, serendipitous, and highly creative. Sometimes it means learning from difficult mistakes and sometimes I get tired and discouraged along the way and sometimes I just get plain bored and lonely. Overall though I always come back to the original mission of living in the moment, insightfully, intuitively and inspirationally. All this with the adventure of spreading light, love and joy in the image and likeness of a Divine Presence being as prolific as possible as a writer, artist, designer, publisher and producer (all my favorite things to do) and hence my pathway of greatest joy.

I like the affirmation, "My angels of destiny lead me on my pathway of greatest joy and I follow."

If you would like to talk about your experience in searching for your destiny ... call me direct @1-626-796-8605 of write to me

Love, light, laughter and protection,
Amber Silverstar

The above photo is by Steven Olson Copyright 2011 all rights reserved.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Dear Friends,

I have some new consultation hours and programs. Call me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday between 2 & 4 p.m. Los Angeles time 1-626-796-8605 or 1-626-390-7311 and I can explain what I have available for you.

Also please come and follow me on Twitter @ angelwriternow and on Facebook @ amber silverstar. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember to keep your Destiny Bright and "use words of love."

Creating an EBOOK format so the DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE SERIES will be available on Kindle, IPod, and Barnes & Noble on nook. Currently find our books on

New designs are also showing now on &

All creations by Amber Silverstar are in support of the DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE promoting a destiny of living intuitively, insightfully and inspirationally; spreading light, love and joy throughout the world in the likeness and image of Great Spirit and Divine Presence.

When you have questions besides calling, you can email me at

Love, light and laughter,
Amber Silverstar