Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dear Friends,
Time to celebrate the Summer Solstice; the beginning of summer and the longer days of sunlight into our Universe.
Summer is that wonderful time when we can think of childhood memories of floating on an inner-tube in the pool, on the lake, or down the river; maybe our thoughts are of hours in the Sun on the beach, in the backyard playing games, or taking a picnic on a hike.
Summer night skies are usually clear and a time when we can search the heavens for "shooting stars", planets lining up and constellations bright for study.
Whatever your plans are for summer breezes and long, hot days ... I hope you fill your special moments with fun, laughter, adventure and happiness. Make 2010 the summer you remember the most for all the joy you can wish for.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
The above illustration is from a new children's book in progress. Copyright 2010 Amber Silverstar all rights reservered including any derivitive or electronic reproduction.
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5:12 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Dear Friends,
I just wanted to make a little announcement to everyone that I am now an official minister as Reverend Amber Silverstar. This makes me legal so I can do house blessings, weddings, wellness visits, and address any other spiritual concerns. But mostly I can start a non-profit called Amber Angel Ministries and look for a place to begin the Destiny Bright Center For Joy.
The main reason for AMBER ANGEL MINISTRIES will be to raise money as a non-profit to distribute around the world our pocket sized gift books called LOVE AFFIRMATIONS. We also are looking forward to creating a spiritual place called Destiny Bright Center For Joy which will be all inclusive of race, creed, color, sexual orientations, belief systems and life partner commitments.
The center will be a place for celebrations, consultations, creativity, and media services. The Destiny Bright Center For Joy will continue to support and promote the Destiny Bright Lifestyle mission to spread "light, love, and joy throughout the Universe living a mystical life in a mainstream world."
Let me know what you think. amber@ambersilverstar.com
Lots more on this new development as our new adventure unfolds.
Light and Love,
Amber Silverstar
Follow me on Twitter as angel writer now; on Facebook as Amber Silverstar; on Zazzle as fierywordbeing; on Amazon.com as Amber Silverstar. See you on the Internet!
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10:35 AM