Dear Friends,
We are just a couple of days away from being the Halloween celebration time. I created this pumpkin image, a photograph by my husband Steven Olson, as a design on several products from for DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS ... AMBER SILVERSTAR CREATIONS.
To see how it all looks try This is a great design for Thanksgiving too.
We actually live not too far from one of our favorite places to go called Calabasas which means pumpkin in Spanish. This is a beautiful community just North of Malibu with perfect California weather, gorgeous rolling green hills and the smell of ocean breezes coming through the many lush canyons. Flowers, trees and bushes are always in bloom year around. Lots of celebrities live in this gated community and others like it near by. They have a huge PUMPKIN celebration every year which we try to go to.
Now, here is a reprint of an essay I did on my other blog - - it brings up not only the bright side of this ancient revelry but also some of the darker aspects.
Halloween - Time To Face The Demons And Become An Earth Angel
The monster disguises, the ghost energies, and the demon stories roar forward into our midst every October when Autumn sunsets bring the night skies early and the chill of cooler days remind us of a winter soon approaching. We call this event "Halloween." This all sounds fun, romantic, and adventurous. But lately not for me ... a few years ago I started not liking "All Hallows Eve" or Halloween. It seemed the greater the spiritual work I did, the scarier the pumpkin celebrations got - including: more intense horror films, more gory and dark costumes, and "trick or treat" episodes holding more danger.
This year I decided to change my attitude and see Halloween as an opportunity to face my own demons. I decided to let the ghost come forward and see what I needed to review in my own life. "Just what might be haunting me?" - I asked myself. Maybe negative emotions are coming up from the past. Or perhaps there are ghost energies I am hanging onto out of my own fear and mistrusts. I certainly know through spiritual experiences that holding onto the fears of the future or the anger from the past can really turn my well being into dreaded monsters. These monster emotions and thoughts are then empowered to intrude upon and into my life's pathway into the light.
So now I am going to use this Halloween to review what ghost I need to let go of, what monsters I need to meet with courage, and what demons I can transform into an angelic self. Then Halloween can become an opportunity for change and choice - a time for reflections into the future of the winter months to come.
If you are in need of clearing your own energy of ghostly intrusions, you can call me for more insights and information. The number for leaving a message is 1-626-796-8605.
Happy Halloween And Keep Your Destiny Bright!
With light and love,
Amber Silverstar
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pumpkin Bright Pumpkin
Posted by
8:47 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dear Amber,
Do you think Angels and Spirit Beings really exist? I really see a lot of TV shows even movies about the forces of dark and light? What do you think? Are there vampires.
C. from California
Dear C.,
You have just asked some questions for which other people, many people are seeking answers. I can only share with you what is my own experience, knowledge, and awareness. In the end as with any questions about life, you must find your own way, insights and beliefs.
For me, what I call other dimensional beings do exist. Sometimes I see them in an earthly form. Sometimes I see them in dreams or in visions. And sometimes I sense their presence. Since my experience is that all things are energy and information - I am most concerned with what or who the energy is and what message or information is available for me to learn from. Labels are just labels. If I can keep from judgement and fear, I usually can find out quickly what the message or information is so that the dimensional being can quickly leave and then I am free to move forward with my life.
All things are either seeking information/energy or giving information/energy. The art of living is knowing which is which and choosing what or who to be a part of. It is my knowledge that angels, spirit guides, loved ones who have departed, saints, elders, avatars, fairies, ascended beings, prophets, and healers always come into your life to give you light, joy, love, beauty, strength, balance, truth, peace and information to help you grow and become a better person. On the other hand - toxic ghost, hungry vampires, evil power junkies, polluted priest-craft, and possessed personalities come into your life to seek your energy by creating confusion, disease, addiction, depression, darkness, anger, rage, pain, hate and destruction.
This topic is a very complex subject. But I hope I have been of some help. Do your own research, take some classes, go to various lectures, listen to your intuitive self. Ask for guidance. I will have more on this subject on my new website call Starworld22 at
Let me know how you are doing and if I can be of any further help.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes.
Let me know how you are doing!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
For more information please go to or send questions to
BRIGHT MYSTIC MOMENTS is a copyright 2009 of Amber Silverstar and Destiny Bright Lifestyles.
All responses to questions are of an intuitive and spiritual nature. They are not meant to replace the need for or the help of the medical or mental health professional. For expert and continuing guidance please contact a local Medical Care or Spiritual Care provider
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5:06 PM