As we celebrate the Memorial Day Holiday, it is a really good time to remember what the United States of America is all about ... the freedoms, the respect for life, the joy of choosing one's destiny. When I think of the USA, I do not think torture of another human being under any circumstances is a right that I or any other American can claim.
Growing up in the Mid West, I very clearly remember the study in history classes about World War II and how millions of people deemed undesirable were tortured and killed. I would say to myself how proud I was living in a country where people would never torture other people for any reason. Living in a democracy, I thought, meant respecting the humanity of all people regardless of who they were or what they had done.
When I got older, I actually got involved in the prison movement, in the criminal justice system and in promoting humane treatment of all institutionalized persons. This included day care centers for children, nursing homes for the elderly, mental health facilities for the unfortunate, even abandoned children and adults with disabilities. Through this experience, I can tell you - people are tortured by others right here in the United States. People who think they are justified in using any means to get to the end results - they claim "it is for the best."
Torture is never, never a justifiable means!
To learn more about what goes on in your country - visit your prisons or jails, go to your local nursing homes or mental health facilities or find out how children are being treated in the foster care system of your state. Then you might understand how the former Vice-President Dick Chaney justifies torture and gets away with it. He has a lot of company. However, justification by many does not make torture of even one person right. If you still have doubts - study Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Einstein, Mother Teresa, and so many others who champion justice, freedom, and love for all humanity.
President Obama really keeps "talking truth" in his speeches about the evils of living in a democracy like the United States and at the same time allowing torture to exist as our way of "protecting our country." We cannot protect ourselves from evil by being the very instrument of evil - any where - in our homes, in our institutions, in our prisons, in our schools, in our churches and justifying the use of torture, beatings, cruel and humiliating actions as a way of controlling other human beings.
I once read, "Beware those for whom you make life not worth living."
Please whenever you have the chance - take the time to be the change you wish to see. Let the only instruments you use and agree to when you are in charge of another human being - be the instruments of peace, love and compassion.
What do you think?
Write to
Celebrate your country this weekend. Happy Memorial Day.
Amber Silverstar
Monday, May 25, 2009
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7:25 AM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
(Today starts a new feature on my blog called "ASK AMBER." It will include a summation of questions I am frequently asked by persons seeking intuitive and spiritual reflections on the challenges they might be having in their life. Their true names have been changed to protect their privacy and their questions and answers are representative of the type of concern which I often hear. I hope you enjoy this new feature. If you your self have questions you would like me to answer, please write to me
Dear Amber,
I worry all the time about my love life, my kids, my job, ... even when things are going well - I still seem to obsess with how everything will turn out.
Why do I do this and what can I do about the constant worry?
John from Arizona
Dear John,
Constant worry can be a really serious problem even manifesting health issues, ruining relationships and can lead to depression.
It can also be a drama you are creating in order to cover up the real pain of something traumatic which happened to you in your childhood.
You may need to talk to a health or spiritual professional to help you go within your soul-self and see what might be troubling you. I might also recommend hypnotherapy.
Constant worry can come too from a need to be perfect. It is an old message that unless you are perfect, you do not have the right to exist.
What ever the cause, I suggest first of all that you bring yourself into the moment and know that all is well in your world. Try the affirmation: "I live in the eternal now, the power of the moment. All is well in my world. I love and accept my self just the way I am."
A second suggestion is knowing there are several wonderful self-help books out there which deal with living in the now. Take yourself to your local book store and spend time browsing and see what book talks to you. Then buy it, take it home and keep it by your bedside. When you are finished - try the process again. Before long you will have a whole stack of "bedside friends" with words of wisdom just when you need them.
The third suggestion is to keep a daily journal of your worries and the fears behind them. And again find a trusted person you can talk to about your childhood. Get your worries out of the dark recesses of your mind and into the light where you can see them as they are - mostly illusions.
I hope these suggestions help. Remember: to come from love, light, joy and beauty. Let Great Spirit be your supply for faith and abundance.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes.
Let me know how you are doing!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
For more information please go to or send questions to
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10:16 AM