Dear Friends,
It is New Year's Eve and here in Pasadena, California where I live only one block from the parade route of the famous Parade Of Roses; there are thousands of people already lining the streets with their parade watching gear.
The New Year's Eve revelers will shout the night away, light their campfires, drink, eat, play cards, dance in the street and endlessly look for Porto Potties. Large families rope off large areas, set up tent canopies, place folding chairs and buffet tables for tons of food and then religiously guard their parade site until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Then the military jets and the Stealth Bomber do a fly over after which the PARADE OF ROSES begins. It is all great fun and worth the extra effort to accommodate so many people. It is a very exciting and beautiful experience; especially for the little ones.
In reality though I have taken quiet time to set themes for MY DESTINY this New Year 2009 and my birthday the day after and it goes like this:
*Giving and sharing of gifts, talents along with time and energy
*Focusing on completion and priorities
*Balancing creativity, family, relationships, abundance and learning
*Connecting in a networking way including all types of media
*Growing evermore spiritually and emotionally
I would love to hear what themes you are setting for your DESTINY 2009.
If you want to share please write to Amber Silverstar by email I really look forward to hearing from you.
May you have roses rain on your parade throughout life along with lots of sunshine. Watch for me if you see the parade on TV. I will take pictures and post this weekend.
Love and light,
Blessings for the New Year.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by
1:44 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dear Friends,
With the election over - what next? It may be time to use what is commonly known as "The Affirmation." Why? Whenever there are tremendous changes going on requiring lots of decisions to be made, a good place to start is by reviewing what basically is the overall vision. Once the vision is chosen then affirming that vision into the new reality becomes an important step. Think of an affirmation as a positive statement of purpose which firms up or energizes the vision.
The recent democratic vision for the election offered creating change in the White House for a better America by electing Barack Obama. The affirmation for that vision was "Yes we can." The affirmation became a reality and Obama got elected. Now, what change exactly do we envision for the new presidency to lead us into a new era and what affirmation do we need to support the change?
I saw Oprah the day after the election wearing a T-shirt which said, "Hope Won" - great affirmation but what exactly is that hope? And what do we want the winning to mean? Good questions? I know from personal experiences over and over again that affirmations work! But I also know it is very important to have a clear understanding of what it is exactly that I am trying to affirm.
Since the election I have started to ask myself what is the vision for my own future and for the future of the country and even the world? I decided to make that vision a balanced, healthy, and prosperous life and to give this vision a foundation of the power of love ... "Love is now victorious for all people in this situation. We are all victorious in building a world of balance, health, prosperity and love. Yes, we are a healthy,loving,and prosperous people of the world."
I invite you to try the above affirmations with me by affirming the victory of the power of love for yourself, for the presidency, for the country, the banks, the stock market, the health care profession, the Senate, House of Congress, the military, the United Nations ... well you get the idea I am sure.
If you have any affirmations for a specific vision you would like to share please let me know what you think?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by
8:24 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Dear Friends,
Part of living a DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE or any responsible livestyle is staying involved in the political process being informed and active. So ...
Tomorrow I am going to vote in an election that has been a grueling contest of who will do the most, who will spend the most, and who will promise the most in a presidential fight for the White House. Never before have I changed my mind so many times and never before have the political issues changed so often in such a short time.
This presidential race started out supposedly about the war in Iraq. Then it changed to be about domestic issues from immigration, health insurance, to homeland security, to education. From there it jumped to fuel, energy and the global warming crises as the cost of fuel skyrocketed out of sight. Then if this wasn't enough, the housing crises, stock market crash, and bank failures put the financial welfare of the country up front as the major political arena for the final rounds of the election playoffs.
Through it all, I saw some candidates behave rather badly, some acted stupefied and others offered solutions which as president they simply could not have had the power to carry out. I still think Hillary Clinton overall responded to the constantly changing issues with the best overall plans and programs. But, she did not get chosen as the Democratic nominee.
For me, Barack Obama has a tendency to hesitate and then be vague; always trying to cover his trail! McCain's "maverick" actions and attitude have no place in running a major world government even though it might be "street wise."
I do think in the end, Obama has a brilliant mind and he will surround himself with other intelligent, experienced and winning people. This way he can make demanding decisions in a timely manner and with specific solutions.
So, I am hoping and expecting the best. Obama winning seems to be destined. We will soon know. Happy voting!
What do you think?
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Above image is a digital art design by Amber Silverstar called VICTORY ANGEL. This image is available on apparel,greetings, art,decor,and gifts. All proceeds go to The Angel Food Project in Los Angeles ... htpp://
Posted by amber silverstar at 8:39 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Posted by
2:27 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Time To Face The Demons
Halloween - Time To Face The Demons And Become An Earth Angel
Dear Friends,
The monster disguises, the ghost energies, and the demon stories roar forward into our midst every October. This happens of course when Autumn sunsets bring the night skies early and the chill of cooler days remind us of a winter soon approaching. We call this event "Halloween."
This all sounds fun, romantic, and adventurous. But lately not so for me ... a few years ago I started not liking "All Hallows Eve" or Halloween. It seemed the greater the spiritual work I did, the scarier the pumpkin celebrations got - including: more intense horror films, more gory and dark costumes, and "trick or treat" episodes holding more danger.
This year I decided to change my attitude and see Halloween as an opportunity to face my own demons. I decided to let the ghost come forward and see what I needed to review in my own life. "Just what might be haunting me?" - I asked myself. Maybe negative emotions are coming up from the past. Or perhaps there are ghost energies I am hanging onto out of my own fear and mistrusts.
I certainly know through spiritual experiences that holding onto the fears of the future or the anger from the past can really turn my well being into dreaded monsters. These monster emotions and thoughts are then empowered to intrude upon and into my life's pathway into the light.
So now I am going to use this Halloween to review what ghost I need to let go of, what monsters I need to meet with courage, and what demons I can transform into an angelic self. Then Halloween can become an opportunity for change and choice - a time for reflections into the future of the winter months to come.
If you are in need of clearing your own energy of ghostly intrusions, you can call for more insights and information. The number for leaving a message is 1-626-796-8605. I usually return my calls within the day.
Happy October And Keep Your Destiny Bright!
With light and love,
Amber Silverstar
The above image is an Amber Silverstar Creation based on a photograph by Steven Olson and is available on numerous products at
Posted by
3:48 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Somedays You Need A Little Cher
Cher is such an inspiration for me to follow my own destiny - I thought for today I would share a little Cher!
Posted by
4:33 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Journey Towards Change And Choice
Dear Friends,
Within your mind's perception is the Spirit's eye towards the life plan you were born to create. Within your mind is also the picturing power to focus on change as a new way to create your future destiny.
When you connect change with your spirituality and your life plan, than change becomes an opportunity for a "heavenly transformation."
This begins with a new vision in the perceptions of your mind. Your thoughts plus your perceptions go out into the world and bring back to you the exact form of what you have transmitted into the universe. From your intellect, you create who you are and what you are seeking. It is your choice. It is your free will.
The artwork above is called "Circle Reflections". It is a digital art design which I thought represented the journey of change and choice we all must take. For more information please go to or send questions to
Posted by
11:20 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dear Friends,
Today, I had the famous scientist, astronomer, Carl Sagan on my mind. I recently had a dream about him talking on the subject of the possibilities of extra terrestials. It could be that soon we will discover some evidence linking human life from our Earth to the planet Mars. I like to follow this speculation about the existence of intelligent life in any area of outer space.
I live very close to the world famous Griffith Observatory which sets high on a hill top over looking the whole Los Angeles area with views of the the vast Pacific Ocean. Every time I go there to visit, even though the observatory is filled with incredible exhibits, the planetarium, and special shows, I somehow just want to stand out on the walled verandas and contemplate what someone like Carl Sagan must have thought as he dedicated his lifetime to looking into the mysteries of the Universe.
The Carl Sagan web site is a wonderful way to see how this amazing man loved the exploration of space so much. The web site is called The Carl Sagan Portal and can be found at
The images in this blog is a picture of the first stamp commemorating the Russian spacecraft Sputnik and another stamp showing a space ship of extra terrestials. This world of space exploration is just so rich in history, promise, adventure, creativity, and scientific study. I never run out of enthusiasm in discovering new information or learning about what has already been discovered. But Carl Sagan, his work and his legacy has become an unforgetable experience in my own earth travels and maybe someday a chance to travel in a dimension beyond my current reality.
Let me know what you think.
You can contact me through email
Remember we are all made of stars.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Dear Friends,
I hear from people all over the world. The two top desires which people long for are freedom and love. They want the freedom to control their own destinies and they want the love to make that destiny a life of purpose and meaning. I think this is because we all need to be free and loved and loving ... regardless of our age, color, creed or culture.
I suggest wherever you live, whatever you do, whoever you are, you always have the freedom to change your thoughts, to choose your emotions, and to direct your spirit. The FOURTH OF JULY in the United States is a perfect day and a perfect time to bless the people of the Universe with the desire to make all of this earth an experience of freedom and love for each person.
Happy Independence Day to the United States of America.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
The above image is called the FREEDOM ANGEL and is an Amber Silverstar creation for Destiny Bright Designs available on numerous products, gifts, apparell, decor and greetins - log onto All rights reverved - copyright 2008, Amber Silverstar.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Energizing The Energy Of Summer
Colors of Indigo
Elements of light
Fairies of the green
Free in the forest
The soul searches eternally
Finding the oneness in joy
And happiness and the wholeness in love
With beauty which can be shared with another
Sharing love and beauty
Being at peace from within
Knowing the pathway
Following the wonder
Bringing the mind into the soul
Being open in heart and spirit
Drawing nature's power
Embracing freedom with embracing Sun
Energizing energies of Summer
Posted by
7:21 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
(This blog - Light Beings - comes from an interview with Halina Kacicki. Ms. Kacicki has this amazing spiritual ability to see, talk to, and connect with the angelic realms of the Universe. I thought her story so interesting that I am sharing it now with you.)
There are those who say,"Yes, I believe in angels, angels are a part of my everyday life." Others will claim,"Angels are just mythological creatures." Some people have actual encounters with angels but never thought prior to those encounters that angels existed. lastly, there are those wondering souls who look to the skies professing, "Angels are not for real."
Wherever you are on the spectrum of angelic experiences or beliefs, I would like you to know - angels are for real and they are serious business. Angels come directly from Spirit to inspire, to forewarn, to protect, to guide, to assist, to defend and to direct. In reality, angels participate in our lives in infinite and unlimited ways.
Angels are also light beings who are given to us by Divine Intelligence to be those special messengers of love, hope and understanding. In my own angelic experiences, these light beings resonate to different vibrations of color, so when attuning to color and coming from Divine Spirit, angels will appear to you when you need them. In addition to color, angels can arrive in an opalescent aura of the rainbow or present themselves in golden emanations of energy.
Some people ask, "Where do angels come from?" Angels only come from a true, loving, spiritual and Divine Source. Perhaps you call this source God. Whatever name you choose to give the Divine Presence, it emanates as love through you in the form of angels. They are your light beings: angels of guardianship, angels of light, angels of love, angels of guidance and angels of protection.
In fact, so many angels are available to us that we are told in the Bible of legions of angels - one hundred thousand times a thousand - an infinite number of angels. Angels are available everywhere, all the time, to everyone. All we have to do is ask. The loving Christ figure says, "Ask and you shall receive."
In my own life, several times in the past twenty years, I have been personally visited by angels. During one visitation, I fought for my life through a near death experience, when an angel of gold surrounded by golden lights came into my room. This golden being brought me into a tunnel of light where I met three other angels. Then I learned all the angels had names; Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and the angel of gold, Michael the Archangel.
All four angels brought new feelings to me of a purpose plus a oneness in my life. Through their appearances, I experienced being loved and protected instead of fearful and alone. Because of their visit, I now have a point of reference that my work needs to be finished before I finally go to my ascended home. The angels also revealed to me just how wonderful that home is while at the same time they left my body filled with a beautiful sense of peace.
A short time after this near death experience, I fully recovered my health. Then I took time to review the meaning of the angelic visitation; I even started sharing angelic communications with other people. I wanted to give the messages of hope and peace I had received and am still receiving from the LIGHT BEINGS, my own guardian angels.
Today, I am an angelic counselor, especially in the areas of angelic healing. Through my work, I constantly see the importance of understanding the angel messengers, using the angelic guidance, and transforming our lives in accordance with Divine Spirit. I love sharing this incredible world of celestial wonders - our Light Beings from heaven.
(The photo above comes with permission from the Halina Kacicki website http// ... the site contains a wealth of information, plus phone numbers, links, media appearances and consulation availability.)
I hope you have enjoyed this interview experience. If you have questions you can contact me by email at or visit on the web
Posted by
11:56 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"Live your destiny with the intensity of your soul
and your dreams with the beauty of your spirit."
Dear Friends,
Intensity is one of those terms which means many things to many people and perhaps always a matter of degree. What may be an intense experience for one might be just a passing moment for another.
Someone once said to me, "You are so intense. You guard your freedom to be yourself more than anything else. You get stronger from pain. You even choose your independence over love." At first I thought these remarks to be criticisms of the way I led my life. But than I began to see the statements were and still are true. Being intense makes me sensitive to the light and the darkness; a chance to explore my destiny to the fullest each and every moment.
I encourage you to live your destiny with the intensity of your soul and your dreams with the beauty of your spirit. Right now we are in the midst of several intense situations; extreme weather, political challenges, financial uncertainty, and personal unrest. It is as though our very American lifestyle is in a major crises.
However, I think if we can embrace the intensity with the intention of learning, we can make new choices and lots of changes. Intensity is energy deeply felt! Let's take this energy and make it work for us. We can use these intense experiences to realize the power to learn, to move forward, and to create a destiny of balance, beauty and peace.
Let me know what your thoughts are. How are you responding to the intense energy surrounding your life? Write to Amber Silverstar -
Love and light,
The photo is by Steven Olson for Silverstar Images and is copyrighted as well as the essay blog entry by Amber Silverstar 2008. All rights reserved.
Posted by
4:21 PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dear Friends,
April is the Month of Poetry and today is the last day of April. So to say good bye to April, 2008 ... I offer the following poem called HEAVEN'S CALLING:
Heaven's Calling
Create this day for yourself
A new vision of your destiny
Allow awareness of possibilities around you
Understand the tree, the pathway,
The leaf, the bloom, the flower
Today heaven calls
Hear the messenger of the hummingbird
Bringer of beauty and joy
You have the power to hear
Vibrations of love surrounding you
Angelic spiritual forces reach
Into the essence of your soul
Transform your view and behold
The energy of the living garden
In this very moment heaven calls
And the color of creation ask you to answer
Love and Light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by
3:55 PM
Monday, March 31, 2008
Dear Friends,
Are you searching for your destiny, the life purpose you dream of? You can find that destiny by using some very simple tools* and by agreeing to search for and follow your life purpose. The Native Americans call this process the Vision Quest, I call this process The Destiny Dream. It is always the right time to know, live and share your destiny. You can begin today.
This is a story of a young woman who found her own destiny and her true love in her search for her life purpose. See if you can find the important tools she used and the steps she took to make her dreams happen and her life real.
A Destiny Dream Keeper:
One day, a young woman started to wonder if she had a destiny and what her destiny could be. She realized she needed to find the answers to her questions so she could set her life in the right direction. She began by saying a strong affirmation, "I know my destiny and I live it."
After a few weeks of this affirmation, a picture formed within her mind's eye. She had a vision of a small village of homes, a town of colorful store fronts, and a beautiful setting of mountains and trees with friendly people everywhere. She recalled seeing this place a few years ago in Colorado on a skiing trip. The woman was intrigued and asked for guidance to come in her dreams. She also meditated and prayed for more information. She said a new affirmation, "My angels of destiny lead me on my pathway of light and I follow."
Before long, a dream came to her and she saw herself standing in the center of a small store. The store had wonderful art and books and clothes showing the beauty of the area. When she walked outside she saw her own name on the front of the store. The dream led the woman to thinking her destiny could be owning a small store. The store would sell the items she saw in the dream.
Soon after these new insights, she met an artist. She told the artist her thoughts about her destiny. Eventually the two fell in love. They began to see their life's purpose would be a move to the beautiful, scenic town in Colorado. Shortly, after their marriage, they did indeed move to the place of their destination. They opened a store with the young woman's ideas and the artist's pictures displayed on all the items she had seen in the dream.
They made it their destiny to share their love of each other and the beauty of the Colorado area to everyone who came to their store. Like all destiny searches, there were obstacles and challenges along the way. But the woman and her love found the courage to follow the dream, live their life's purpose and make their Destiny Dream come true.
*If you think you are searching for your Destiny Dream; try these few simple tools.
1. Declare your intent to know your destiny and live your life's purpose.
2. Release your doubts and negative thinking - let the magic of the Universe work in your favor. Surround your Destiny Dream with positive emotions and thoughts.
3. Read inspirational books, ask for guidance from your higher spiritual self, and most of all, listen to that "still small voice within."
4. Incubate a dream, or a vision of the destiny you are meant to live.
5. Follow your intuition by taking small steps and living in the now.
6. Keep your creative focus ... search out for others who will help you know and live your Destiny Dream ...create a Dream Destiny focus collage and spend a few minutes each day placing your energy into your destiny until it becomes a reality.
7. Let go of worn out things, ideas, feelings, relationships and open to receive the new.
8. Affirm often that you have the right to choose your own destiny and live it.
If you need help understanding and/or finding your destiny dream, you can write and send an email; just use the code word DESTINY.
Write to
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by
6:36 AM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thank You
Dear Friends,
Thank you to everyone who sent prayers, flowers and kind greetings on the death of my father, Ernest David Smith and his recent funeral. I appreciate on behalf of my family and myself, your thoughts and love; it all helped more than you know.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
PS ... I plan to be back writing again soon.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Dear Friends,
I could not think of a better way to encourage you to understand the joy and power of having love in your life than to give you ten affirmations about love. These affirmations will start you on a new pathway of bliss and beauty. The affirmations about love cost nothing to say and only take a few seconds.
Just saying a few words may seem like a very simple act when bringing love into your life is such a momentous achievement. However, just saying these few words can begin the possibility of creating extraordinary experiences in the new and exciting ways your life can unfold with love, intimacy and happiness.
Begin today and watch as your dreams for love are realized in your wonderful tomorrows. Say the affirmations twice a day for twenty two days. Keep a record of any changes that you experience and let me know what new choices for love are appearing in your life.
I love my destiny.
The joy of love flows through my body.
Love is now victorious in my life.
Love is the only true power.
I am loving and I am lovable.
I see love everywhere and love is everywhere.
I radiate love, beauty and perfect self esteem.
I love everyone and everyone loves me.
My heart is filled with the peace of love.
I love my life.
To contact me in person write to Amber at and use the code word "destiny."
Remember to "Keep your destiny bright, use words of love."
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by
2:58 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Dear Friends,
Creating a successful life purpose to include building a destiny you love requires the realistic actions, thoughts and words of staying positive. This sounds easy but can be very difficult when your life is surrounded by what seems to be negative people and negative experiences. I find when negativity starts showing up on my "canvas of life" that I need to take the time to use one or more tools to change the direction of my destiny and stay on the pathway of light which I have chosen. Here are several workable suggestions. These suggestions will assist you in staying positive, healthy and successful while navigating through the sometimes rough waters of negative challenges.
1. Remember to surround yourself everyday with the white light of positive forces and spiritual connections. I usually do this by saying affirmations, lighting yellow or white candles and using lemons as aromatherapy as well as color reminders of wisdom, hope, and cleansing.
2. The next suggestions is a little more difficult as you must turn the focus inward to see what might be negative within your own spirit. What negativity might you be holding onto or forgetting to transform into a positive emotion or thought which has clarity, love and joy? Using a prayer of forgiveness is a wonderful tool to chase away negative clouds which may be hanging over your destiny. Try: "I forgive everyone, everything, past, present, or future. I forgive, I forgive, I forgive. There are no bonds holding me to this negative experience. I am free, I am free, I am free."
3. If the above actions are having less than the results you are looking for and the negative situations are continuing for more than seventy two hours, seek professional help for a reflection you might be overlooking, or ask for a solution in your dreams, or you might pose a question and seek the answers through automatic writing or during meditations.
These are the remedies which I have found to be most successful in staying positive in situations, environments, or relationships which are consistently developing into negative challenges. I hope the above solutions work well for you.
If you have questions or comments - please send an email to or call 1-626-796-8605 and leave a message. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by
8:29 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Butterfly Journal For 2008 - A Free Gift For You
Posted by
12:55 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Dear Readers,
It is the New Year - the year of 2008. It is a great year to begin again, only this time the beginnings are with the experiences of lessons learned from the previous nine years. Why? Because ten is the number of one the second time around: 2008 is two plus eight or ten. Ten is also the power number for multiplying abundance. It is the number you think of when you talk about the quality of someone or something being a perfect "10".
You can use this information together with simple changes to realize dramatic results for a great 2008.
1. Write a list of areas in your life where you think you have made major accomplishments in the past nine years. Rate those accomplishments on a scale of one to ten.
2. Review your list and ask yourself how you can multiply the success of those areas to the power of ten. Just doing an affirmation like, "I love my destiny" with your intention of increasing the goodness of the past nine years will start you on the path of a great 2008.
3. Make a list of areas in your life where you think you did not achieve the success that you had hoped for in the past nine years. Again, rate those areas on a scale of one to ten. The lowest being the area of least success.
4. Review your list and ask yourself if you would like to begin again. If the answer is "Yes" then create a new "destiny plan". How? Start a journal where you can write each day about how your new beginnings are expanding and growing. Write about your intention to creatively focus on the results you are hoping to see. Keep a list of ten positive things you can do to make the new beginnings a true success.
Let me know what your experiences are and the successes you are having - simple changes which you affirm, plan for, and multiply will bring dramatic results toward making and keeping your DESTINY BRIGHT in 2008.
Special Note: The above design to the right ... "I love my Destiny" appears on apparel, greetings, home and office decor, plus cloth bags, buttons, and calendars. Wonderful, positive images and words on great products to encourage you make the year 2008 the perfect "10" for you. To see and shop log onto
For a free DESTINY BRIGHT Journal With Purpose, just email and use the code word destiny.
Happy New Year 2008
Love and light,
All contents of this page, including designs, logo and titles are copyright 2008 Amber Silverstar and can only be used in any form or derivation through written permission.
Posted by
8:48 AM