In This Issue:
Amber Silverstar's Mystic Stars design promotes staying in-touch with your
Spirituality as the perfect goal for 2010. Amber says: "To connect Spiritually in all that you do will keep your life balanced in mind, body, heart spirit and soul. Each of the stars represent all five areas of personality that makeup one's destiny."
The storefront AMBER MYSTIC STARS offers a grand selection of wear-ables, especially organics, along with greetings, decor, art, fun things plus practical and enduring gifts.
All proceeds for 2010 purchased from AMBER MYSTIC STARS go to support the incredible work of the Los Angeles Angel Food Project. A "star spangled" life will open for you when you increase your own energy by supporting and giving to others.
Starworld 22 is a new "ezine" from Amber Silverstar as publisher for an on-line magazine format. Currently the publication presents Ms. Patricia Arlene and her interpretations of an astrological report called ASTRO AWARENESS.
To keep track of your own star bright forecast, purchase an AMBER MYSTIC STAR JOURNAL and write down what you think the stars hold for your destiny 2010. Also for every Destiny Bright Consultation you choose, you will receive a free journal. Just call Amber Silverstar direct 1-626-796-8605 and arrange for a personal 2010 appointment to keep you connected to your spirit in your world.
Share the blessings of the Holiday Seasons by sharing a smile, a book, a cup of hot tea, coffee, or chocolate. You can even share stories of Christmas past, letters from loved ones, walks through nature, a favorite movie. In the end, the greatest gift we can give everyone, including ourselves, is our own life working and our success spreading. This is a season to be enthusiastic about your life and your destiny. Enthusiastic means "Of God" and living enthusiastically means to live with those mystic stars in your heart.
The featured product this newsletter is the MYSTIC STAR TSHIRT. This TSHIRT design has it's own special magic by affirming for you to the world that you love your destiny ... "fun, fabulous, fantastic." What you focus on expands and this shirt will be your personal focus helper all year through to create a destiny you love. Enjoy!
The Mystic Star T Shirt according to the Cafepress people is "Made In the USA" and for stylish weekend comfort anytime, guys will want to live in our Fitted T. Made of ultra-fine, combed ring-spun cotton, that gets softer with each washing. Lightweight for summer comfort or winter layering. Grab attention with this vintage fit that loves to hug skin. (Size up for a looser fit). 4.3 oz. Ultra-fine combed ring spun cotton Vintage fit (size up for a looser fit) T Shirts with this design are also available for women, juniors, kids and babies. Just click on the link below and see for yourself all the choices and colors available.
Amber's Notes:
Please join me on Facebook. Friends forever.
Love and light everyone.
Happy blessings to all.
See you next year 2010.
Amber Silverstar
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Greetings Everyone,
My Dear Friends,
Writing as a way of communicating with the Divine Beings Of Light, called angels, is an honored and ancient tradition.
Angles, who have inspired humans to talk to them and about them through writing, are famous and numerous. Angels are considered the spiritual co-authors of the Koran, the gospel's of Saint Mathew, the book of Mormon, the poems of Emily Dickinson, the 278 books of Emanuel Sweedenburg, the recent writings of Dr. Doreen Virtue, Sophie Burnham, David Connoly and Gustav Davidson and many more too numerous to mention.
Angels are such a special species of beings, they transcend all nationalities, cultures, even time and space. These beloved creatures are considered to be messengers of God, Divine Spirit, Universal Intelligence or Great Spirit.
There are even times when those who struggle with the concepts of religious beliefs or have no religious beliefs at all find themselves in the company of their guardian angels
during times of grief, danger or sadness.
The angels can be a part of your life on a daily basis, if you let them. You do not have to wait for a crises in your life in order to communicate with angels. You can have a spiritual connection in your life every day by writing and keeping a journal.
It is just that simple!
In her book, LITERARY ANGELS, HARRIET SCOTT CHESSMAN recalls, "How do angles write? I imagined glorious creatures scrawling in midair with golden pens. ... Angels, however, have other things to do; they leave writing to mortals."
If indeed angels count on us to do the writing, do we have to be spiritually mystical to commune with celestial beings. The answer is "no." The most important ingredient is the willingness to do so.
This commitment to write with angels, your spiritual connections, on a consistent basis is a unique journey you can start now. I know because of it your life will change in a most positive and wonderful way.
To start your journal of angelic communications, you can send me an email today Then I will email you back with a mini angel card reading and send you a free ANGEL OF EMERGENCE JOURNAL featured at the top of this blog. This will be my gift to you for the NEW YEAR 2010.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With light and love,
Amber Silverstar
The digital art design on the featured journal is called "Angel of Emergence" this design by Amber Silverstar for Destiny Bright Designs, Amber Silverstar Creations all rights reserved including derivatives Copyright 2009.
Posted by Unknown at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pumpkin Bright Pumpkin
Dear Friends,
We are just a couple of days away from being the Halloween celebration time. I created this pumpkin image, a photograph by my husband Steven Olson, as a design on several products from for DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS ... AMBER SILVERSTAR CREATIONS.
To see how it all looks try This is a great design for Thanksgiving too.
We actually live not too far from one of our favorite places to go called Calabasas which means pumpkin in Spanish. This is a beautiful community just North of Malibu with perfect California weather, gorgeous rolling green hills and the smell of ocean breezes coming through the many lush canyons. Flowers, trees and bushes are always in bloom year around. Lots of celebrities live in this gated community and others like it near by. They have a huge PUMPKIN celebration every year which we try to go to.
Now, here is a reprint of an essay I did on my other blog - - it brings up not only the bright side of this ancient revelry but also some of the darker aspects.
Halloween - Time To Face The Demons And Become An Earth Angel
The monster disguises, the ghost energies, and the demon stories roar forward into our midst every October when Autumn sunsets bring the night skies early and the chill of cooler days remind us of a winter soon approaching. We call this event "Halloween." This all sounds fun, romantic, and adventurous. But lately not for me ... a few years ago I started not liking "All Hallows Eve" or Halloween. It seemed the greater the spiritual work I did, the scarier the pumpkin celebrations got - including: more intense horror films, more gory and dark costumes, and "trick or treat" episodes holding more danger.
This year I decided to change my attitude and see Halloween as an opportunity to face my own demons. I decided to let the ghost come forward and see what I needed to review in my own life. "Just what might be haunting me?" - I asked myself. Maybe negative emotions are coming up from the past. Or perhaps there are ghost energies I am hanging onto out of my own fear and mistrusts. I certainly know through spiritual experiences that holding onto the fears of the future or the anger from the past can really turn my well being into dreaded monsters. These monster emotions and thoughts are then empowered to intrude upon and into my life's pathway into the light.
So now I am going to use this Halloween to review what ghost I need to let go of, what monsters I need to meet with courage, and what demons I can transform into an angelic self. Then Halloween can become an opportunity for change and choice - a time for reflections into the future of the winter months to come.
If you are in need of clearing your own energy of ghostly intrusions, you can call me for more insights and information. The number for leaving a message is 1-626-796-8605.
Happy Halloween And Keep Your Destiny Bright!
With light and love,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 8:47 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dear Amber,
Do you think Angels and Spirit Beings really exist? I really see a lot of TV shows even movies about the forces of dark and light? What do you think? Are there vampires.
C. from California
Dear C.,
You have just asked some questions for which other people, many people are seeking answers. I can only share with you what is my own experience, knowledge, and awareness. In the end as with any questions about life, you must find your own way, insights and beliefs.
For me, what I call other dimensional beings do exist. Sometimes I see them in an earthly form. Sometimes I see them in dreams or in visions. And sometimes I sense their presence. Since my experience is that all things are energy and information - I am most concerned with what or who the energy is and what message or information is available for me to learn from. Labels are just labels. If I can keep from judgement and fear, I usually can find out quickly what the message or information is so that the dimensional being can quickly leave and then I am free to move forward with my life.
All things are either seeking information/energy or giving information/energy. The art of living is knowing which is which and choosing what or who to be a part of. It is my knowledge that angels, spirit guides, loved ones who have departed, saints, elders, avatars, fairies, ascended beings, prophets, and healers always come into your life to give you light, joy, love, beauty, strength, balance, truth, peace and information to help you grow and become a better person. On the other hand - toxic ghost, hungry vampires, evil power junkies, polluted priest-craft, and possessed personalities come into your life to seek your energy by creating confusion, disease, addiction, depression, darkness, anger, rage, pain, hate and destruction.
This topic is a very complex subject. But I hope I have been of some help. Do your own research, take some classes, go to various lectures, listen to your intuitive self. Ask for guidance. I will have more on this subject on my new website call Starworld22 at
Let me know how you are doing and if I can be of any further help.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes.
Let me know how you are doing!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
For more information please go to or send questions to
BRIGHT MYSTIC MOMENTS is a copyright 2009 of Amber Silverstar and Destiny Bright Lifestyles.
All responses to questions are of an intuitive and spiritual nature. They are not meant to replace the need for or the help of the medical or mental health professional. For expert and continuing guidance please contact a local Medical Care or Spiritual Care provider
Posted by Unknown at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hello Everyone,
I am really happy to announce the launch for my new book: BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY - pictures and poetry for your spirit. You are invited to check out this wonderful coffee table book full of gorgeous pictures of nature along with original and inspirational poetry. The beautiful photography is done by my creative husband, Steven Olson. The book is published by Lulu Studio in association with Silverstar Media Group, Los Angeles, California.
For over two years we traveled the Southern California coast line - from Santa Barbara to Oceanside, the valleys from Pasadena to Thousand Oaks, and the cities from Los Angeles to Palm Springs - just weekend drives to capture the wonder and the beauty of the nature of Southern California.
Then it took another year and several prototypes to create the look and combination of photography and pictures I felt portrays the vision I to showcase a book inspired by nature. I felt so blessed so many times when the perfect scene, the perfect butterfly, the perfect flower appeared just like magic, over and over again. We took over 3,000 pictures and the book contains more than 100 as the final selection grew out of love, trial and error, technical malfunctions, and finally a product we were happy to offer and to share.
BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY is now available on under the title or Amber Silverstar as author. The book is the first in the DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLE SERIES which promotes the concept of "living a mystical life in a mainstream world." Companion products are also featured along with a calendar on
A preview of the book is available on - take a look see and tell me what you think. I will be posting more pictures from the book along with the poetry in the near future with book signings and special events coming up. So far the reviews are beautiful, insightful, true and touching. I would love to know what your impressions are.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
(Editor's Comments - The following Q&A is meant to be a regular feature on this blog which I hope to do with some consistency. This feature also appears on under the title of the page BRIGHT MYSTIC MOMENTS. Enjoy!)
Dear Amber,
I am always having this recurring dream. In the dream, I see someone outside my window and then a shadow outside in a hallway. Then a tree and loud noises. Why do I keep having the same dream and what does it mean?
S. from Los Angeles, California
Dear Friend,
When a person keeps dreaming the same dreams or variations of the same dream, it can mean either he or she are having some strong unresolved emotional conflicts - most likely anger and most likely from their childhood.
The dream is positive in some ways because it is telling you that you are strong enough now to learn from this dream and to grow from it.
Ask for a new dream which will give you more information. Write your questions on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. Say the affirmation: "I now see and understand clearly the messages in my dreams."
Without more information and talking to you in person, I would say the dream could mean someone or something strongly influenced your life to the point of overshadowing your own personal growth and light. You may need to check your current relationships and see if you could create new clarity and harmony in your boundaries and energy exchanges.
If you need further help, I would suggest a hypnotherapist or person who specializes in dream interpretation. They could assist you in further understanding the sub conscious world of your dreams.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes.
Let me know how you are doing!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
For more information please go to or send questions to
All responses to questions are of an intuitive and spiritual nature. They are not meant to replace the need for or the help of the medical or mental health professional. For expert and continuing guidance please seek a local Medical Care or Spiritual Care provider.
The butterfly picture called TRANSFORMATION is a photo and design by wife and husband team Amber Silverstar and Steven Olson copyright 2009 all rights reserved.
Picture and design are available on wonderful products from the store front
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Love and Genius Of Michael Jackson
Dear Readers,
The day Michael Jackson died - I wrote a response which posted on my other blog - today I watched this incredible memorial to him - I still have so many mixed emotions and find it tragic that he either did not get the help he needed when he was alive or he refused it. This is assuming of course that he died from the effects of drugs on his body. I am sure if he were alive now he would say - "Throw away all the pills, the drugs, the mask - a lost childhood is no excuse to die and to leave three children without a father - I wish I could start over" Maybe it is some consolation that even though Michael Jackson is no longer on this earth -his love and genius will be with us forever. But why Michael, why?
Living in the Los Angeles - Hollywood area, yesterday will loom in my mind for a very long time. I had just finished a consultation for a client when I turned on the television to find out what people were saying about Farrah Fawcett and her tragic and untimely death.
I thought I heard an announcer on CNN say something about Michael Jackson's father and cardiac arrest. I naturally assumed the Jackson father had a heart attack. Then as I took time to listen more carefully - I realized the news was about Michael Jackson himself.
At that moment I knew he had died. I could hear the helicopters whirling in the sky traveling toward the area of Westwood and Bel Air. I watched countless police officers on television put up yellow tape all around the UCLA hospital. I switched to the local channels knowing they would know sooner than anyone what was going on. Then the confirmed announcement -Michael Jackson was dead. Then like people all over Los Angeles - I cried. Here, now dead at fifty, was this brilliant star. A life begun as a little boy genius now dead as a grown man ... damaged by a traumatic childhood - I do believe Michael Jackson never really recovered from the childhood scars and in the end was destroyed by his painful past.
At least this is how I see it. But I also see that stars are energy and energy can never really be destroyed - and neither can the incredible genius of Michael Jackson's music from boyhood to manhood. Even though the harmony he brought to the world was the same harmony he could never seem to bring into his own life.
In retrospect, I hope the message of Michael's death will be how important it is to treasure each moment of a child's life. How important it is to support and protect a child's creativity. How important it is at any age to intervene when choices to escape pain lead to the abuses of a lifestyle which can only end in the tragedy of confusion and death.
I might go over to Hollywood this weekend to photograph these moments in history as people go to the star on the sidewalk to touch a remembrance of the energy, the harmony, and the genius of Michael Jackson.
Surely the SERAPHIM, the angels of music, and Archangel Michael (his namesake) have taken him to heaven to meet his God, where at last he will have the clarity, balance, and love he always searched for. May he enjoy peace in the "other world" as he gave so much enjoyment to us in this world.
If you would like to share your thoughts and feelings, you can write to me at
With light and love,
Amber Silverstar
The above digital art design by Amber Silverstar is called STAR LOVE AND GENIUS and is dedicated to Michael Jackson - all rights reserved 2009
Posted by Unknown at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Summer Destiny Bright Newsletter
Hello Everyone - I am sending you a copy of the Destiny Bright Newsletter from my Destiny Bright Design Company on If you would like to receive a free newsletter directly, just log onto and sign up for the newsletter is on the sidebar. DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS
June 11, 2009
Featured Product
Bright Dog Pet Wear
In This Issue:
Bright Dog is available now on SUMMER TERRIFIC T Shirts for the whole family including the family's favorite pet. Did you know you can get matching wear for everyone for this Summer's outings to the beach, amusement parks, camping, a special event, a reunion ... if you would like to have a personalized design for T Shirts, or tote bags, or stickers and order in bulk - just contact
In addition Cafe Press has a new service to offer for groups to add to their summer experiences. Their recent announcement says: "Introducing CafePress GroupsT - We're excited to introduce the newest addition to CafePress - CafePress Groups! CafePress Groups is a new service we've created to meet the needs of groups looking for a fast and easy way to outfit their members with customized shirts."
So, go summer terrific with so many selections and opportunities from Destiny Bright Designs and CafePress including BRIGHT DOG.
Summer starting with June has lots of wonderful celebrations including weddings, graduations, Father's Day, June birthdays, baby showers and so many more. Why not consider a unique DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGN by AMBER SILVERSTAR for all the special people in your life celebrating special times. Gifts are easy to select and choose. They arrive quickly, have a reasonable
price tag, and can be returned for up to thirty days. And if you want to go organic there are new styles and colors available in apparel for all ages and genders. Go green with Amber and order organic.
Bright Summer Angel in gorgeous summer blues is the perfect angel to go with you for your summer adventures. To help celebrate the warm, sunny season, Bright Summer Angel is on sale for the whole summer. Price is already 11% lower on the products you can see on the storefront. And remember to get your self a hat for sun protection and a tote bag for summer fun. Enjoy!
The baseball jersey top for women is our featured product for this newsletter. Appearing in the side bar, the floral image is called Exotic Beauty. This beautiful white hibiscus is a photograph taken by Steven Olson. It is also the picture currently appearing on the front cover of a new book BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY just released by its' writer and producer, Amber Silverstar and is published by Lulu Enterprises 2009 and available on AMAZON.COM.
The book and the corresponding products, art, greetings and decor promote the Destiny Bright Lifestyle of intuition, insight, and inspiration as a way of living a mystical life in a mainstream world.
Four years ago this June, Amber Silverstar started DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS with one design I LOVE MY LIFE. This digital art creation is now part of an expanded collection including over 53 designs, images and photographs on more than 2,340 products.
Destiny Bright Designs by Amber Silverstar is currently featured on international websites, blogs, top spots in all major search engines, on KEDS SHOES, on the famous EDUN organic t-shirts, on another design Internet outlet called Zazzel and as an affiliate on numerous other storefronts.
Amber Silverstar says; "When I first started this design company, the vision I had and dreamed about meant spreading light, love and joy through out the world being prolific creating images and words of a positive and beautiful nature. I am now living the vision and the dream. Today DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS is a vital growing and sharing experience. It is now creating jobs around the world and was recently ask to join the Life Balanced Institute and World United Women as part of a global effort to educate woman and children about their rights to education, freedom to choose their destiny, and knowledge of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
To keep up with all that is happening with DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS AND DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLES just check out lots of current offers and updates on the main website
Happy Summer Everyone! News just in, I have been ask to create a design for apparel to be worn on a regular television series which will feature Dr. Susan Padrad, president and founder of Balanced Life Institute. The show will include nutritional cooking segments and the host and guest will be wearing aprons and shirts with a Destiny Bright Design. I have yet to create this new image but I am working on it now and ready to see it done.
Also, speaking of television - Steven and I will be sporting the BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY exotic hibiscus flower on shirts when we go to Phoenix, Arizona this summer to be on the Antiques Road Show. I will let you know when the show date airs.
This is all for now, have a happy, healthy, and adventurous summer.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
As we celebrate the Memorial Day Holiday, it is a really good time to remember what the United States of America is all about ... the freedoms, the respect for life, the joy of choosing one's destiny. When I think of the USA, I do not think torture of another human being under any circumstances is a right that I or any other American can claim.
Growing up in the Mid West, I very clearly remember the study in history classes about World War II and how millions of people deemed undesirable were tortured and killed. I would say to myself how proud I was living in a country where people would never torture other people for any reason. Living in a democracy, I thought, meant respecting the humanity of all people regardless of who they were or what they had done.
When I got older, I actually got involved in the prison movement, in the criminal justice system and in promoting humane treatment of all institutionalized persons. This included day care centers for children, nursing homes for the elderly, mental health facilities for the unfortunate, even abandoned children and adults with disabilities. Through this experience, I can tell you - people are tortured by others right here in the United States. People who think they are justified in using any means to get to the end results - they claim "it is for the best."
Torture is never, never a justifiable means!
To learn more about what goes on in your country - visit your prisons or jails, go to your local nursing homes or mental health facilities or find out how children are being treated in the foster care system of your state. Then you might understand how the former Vice-President Dick Chaney justifies torture and gets away with it. He has a lot of company. However, justification by many does not make torture of even one person right. If you still have doubts - study Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Einstein, Mother Teresa, and so many others who champion justice, freedom, and love for all humanity.
President Obama really keeps "talking truth" in his speeches about the evils of living in a democracy like the United States and at the same time allowing torture to exist as our way of "protecting our country." We cannot protect ourselves from evil by being the very instrument of evil - any where - in our homes, in our institutions, in our prisons, in our schools, in our churches and justifying the use of torture, beatings, cruel and humiliating actions as a way of controlling other human beings.
I once read, "Beware those for whom you make life not worth living."
Please whenever you have the chance - take the time to be the change you wish to see. Let the only instruments you use and agree to when you are in charge of another human being - be the instruments of peace, love and compassion.
What do you think?
Write to
Celebrate your country this weekend. Happy Memorial Day.
Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
(Today starts a new feature on my blog called "ASK AMBER." It will include a summation of questions I am frequently asked by persons seeking intuitive and spiritual reflections on the challenges they might be having in their life. Their true names have been changed to protect their privacy and their questions and answers are representative of the type of concern which I often hear. I hope you enjoy this new feature. If you your self have questions you would like me to answer, please write to me
Dear Amber,
I worry all the time about my love life, my kids, my job, ... even when things are going well - I still seem to obsess with how everything will turn out.
Why do I do this and what can I do about the constant worry?
John from Arizona
Dear John,
Constant worry can be a really serious problem even manifesting health issues, ruining relationships and can lead to depression.
It can also be a drama you are creating in order to cover up the real pain of something traumatic which happened to you in your childhood.
You may need to talk to a health or spiritual professional to help you go within your soul-self and see what might be troubling you. I might also recommend hypnotherapy.
Constant worry can come too from a need to be perfect. It is an old message that unless you are perfect, you do not have the right to exist.
What ever the cause, I suggest first of all that you bring yourself into the moment and know that all is well in your world. Try the affirmation: "I live in the eternal now, the power of the moment. All is well in my world. I love and accept my self just the way I am."
A second suggestion is knowing there are several wonderful self-help books out there which deal with living in the now. Take yourself to your local book store and spend time browsing and see what book talks to you. Then buy it, take it home and keep it by your bedside. When you are finished - try the process again. Before long you will have a whole stack of "bedside friends" with words of wisdom just when you need them.
The third suggestion is to keep a daily journal of your worries and the fears behind them. And again find a trusted person you can talk to about your childhood. Get your worries out of the dark recesses of your mind and into the light where you can see them as they are - mostly illusions.
I hope these suggestions help. Remember: to come from love, light, joy and beauty. Let Great Spirit be your supply for faith and abundance.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes.
Let me know how you are doing!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
For more information please go to or send questions to
Posted by Unknown at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dear Friends,
This Earth Day is such a fun day, a love day, a bright day because all the world over people are coming together to cherish our earth. We are the destiny keepers of the planet earth ... the only one of its' kind in our solar system.
What I enjoy about this day is learning about all the wonderful ways to live green. Long before it became a popular main stream thing to do, I wrote an article about what I called "autonomous living" which is now called "sustainable living." The article explored housing that was totally independent - it had recyclable water, solar and wind energy, earth rammed construction, garden roofs, and all natural materials for the inside and outside furnishings and decor.
The biggest difficulty at the time was getting insurance, loans, building and zoning permits and a disconnect from the central city grids for electricity, gas, water - etc. I am not sure what the majority of city governments would require now. Since I live in Los Angeles County, attitudes toward sustainable living may vary considerably from town to town.
My ideal space for a green life style today is in the high desert in a straw bale house with all the latest organic, earth friendly, Eco designed living. It is on the wish list ... meantime my company DESTINY BRIGHT LIFESTYLES promotes "save the planet" by offering organic wearables, natural accessories, decor and household items. Plus - through DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS with Edun featured on, I have designs on T-shirts which provide healthy and life saving jobs for African villages and African villagers.
Earth Day is a reminder that saving our planet is a huge responsibility. But guess what - we can do it and we are doing it. The art on this page and in this blog is just one of several digital images which I designed and which are featured on organic, natural and earth friendly products at Other designs on Edun products can be found at
For more information, a private consultation, or just to respond or comment - email or call and leave message 1-310-971-6821.
Happy Earth Day!
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dear Friends,
I love Spring so much - the difficulties of Winter seem to fade into the past as the brilliance of color, sun, and newness speaks of life beginning today. I call this exciting time the gift of EMERGENCE.
What newness do you see emerging in your destiny today? Is it love, creativity, the tree in your front yard with fresh green leaves? Are you aware of new ideas, new relationships, new creativity sprouting up in your imagination, your heart, your spirit? This is such a wonderful time to allow the ANGEL OF EMERGENCE to be your "change agent". Make a new promise today to start receiving the power, energy and beauty of Spring.
In a few days will come the joy of celebrating the Easter days of resurrection, of forgiveness, of radiance. I have this wonderful affirmation which I say to realize the incredible power of emergence surrounding me. I suggest as the Spring Days continue to enfold that you include this affirmation into your daily routine.
Just say or write or do both the following words.
"Through my faculty of intuitive knowing, I now allow Infinite Intelligence to select the details of my life. Great Spirit is my supply. Without effort, I open to receive and I focus on the present. I do what I love. Now is the appointed time, today is the day of my amazing good fortune."
Let me know what you think!
Happy Spring!
Amber Silverstar
The above art is an original digital art design called Angel of Emergence by Amber Silverstar for Destiny Bright Designs. All rights reserved 2009
Posted by Unknown at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dear Readers,
Being part Irish myself and having green eyes - I have a strong affinity for celebrating the green on St.Patrick's day tomorrow. I say "This is a great time to go for the green."
Being green conscious is actually good for the heart too. Green is the color for self-esteem, creating new ideas, calling-up for the abundance of life, for feeling joyful. Surround yourself with the energy of green as you notice the "wearing of the green." Breath deeply the beauty of the Emerald Island. Embrace the power of green energy.
Think green tea, green trees, green emeralds, green foods, green orchids, green velvet, green glitter, little green men (Elves), sink deeply into the green of Spring. This could be the best St.Patrick's day you ever had. Go for the green - an Irish day filled with golden luck and Leprechaun magic. Give yourself a DESTINY BRIGHT GREEN.
What do you think?
Have fun all you fellow green-eyed Irish celebrants and share the adventure of laughter!
Amber Silverstar
*The above picture is called Butterflies On The Green and is an original photo by Steven Olson for Destiny Bright Publishing - all rights reserved 2009.
Posted by Unknown at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dear Friends,
Happy Valentine's Day in the month of February.
I know many of you are deep in cold, snow and ice but here in Southern California the roses are always blooming. Just like magic! So I am sharing a rose with you in a new store front I created called, what else, THE MAGIC RED ROSE.
This beautiful image from nature is an original photograph by my husband, Steven Olson for our design company called DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS. We were so taken with this picture because besides it's beauty, it reminds us of the famous image and logo with the red tongue for the Rolling Stones Band. The image has not been manipulated in any way but still we captured this moment in "rose land" with a petal looking like a tongue with a large dew drop.
I think the dew drop on the rose is a message that we always have what we need including nourishment. That is if we can trust Great Spirit to be our supply and our support.
Anyway what we focus on expands and I suggest we focus on the abundance around us and fill our lives with love. This is the real magic. Then, before we know it, Spring comes again and with it the renewals of earth, water and sky.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Love and light,
Products with the Magic Red Rose image can be found on by Amber Silverstar for Destiny Bright Designs,
"Keep your destiny bright, use words of love." All rights reserved 2009 by Amber Silverstar
Posted by Unknown at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
The New Year of 2009 is the perfect time to start a brand new journal. Try using a journal to record your dreams, create your own dream dictionary, or start a dream journal group. You could also think about using a journal for your experiences with nature.
Destiny Bright Designs features the perfect journal for nature notes called THE BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY. This journal is yours as a gift plus a free Destiny Bright Intuitive Consultation. For more information just click on the link below and contact Amber Silverstar at amber@ambersilverstar. Be sure to use the code word JOURNAL.
Let this New Year of 2009 be the year you put your balance with nature as a priority in your life. All is possible! Contact me now, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love and light,
Amber for your free consultation. for your free journal
or call direct 1-310-971-6821
Posted by Unknown at 1:52 PM 0 comments