Friday, June 22, 2007


Dear Friends,
If you choose to live your life in the "power of the now," you will also be choosing to live your life in balance. The art of this life style which is also the heart of Destiny Bright is to paint the canvas of your life with choices made in the moment.
Choosing the moment springs from the intuitive well of who you are. Exactly how this works is a mystery to me but I do know that in each moment, from the center of your being, your soul self, is where the guidance for your destiny waits.
Choosing the moment does not necessarily mean living for the moment. Living for the moment can be self serving without any regard for lessons learned from the past or needs for insights into the future. True choosing the moment, living in the power of the now, can also mean reviewing the past or even planning for the future. This sounds reasonable but the major question is "How does one do this?"

In all the years in which I have been living intuitively, in the moment, from the center ... I have been using a combination of daily commitments to surround myself with support for building this incredible, creative and loving lifestyle.
These daily commitments include:
1) Affirmations as soon as I wake up, making a spiritual connection for guidance and protection.
2) Writing out what is on my mind and in my heart.
3) Reading whatever I find in other writers that inspires me and keeps me centered.
4) Energizing the mission of my vision quest through visualizing, prayer, and guided imagery.
5) Working out using yoga, relaxation, deep breathing, and music.
6) Sharing and appreciating the gifts of abundance, love, joy, happiness and prosperity.

Living a life using the above commitments is a real challenge and sometimes met with strange and stubborn obstacles, what I call "messengers of change and choice." However, not using these daily commitments to keep me in balance, gradually intrudes upon my quality of life and eventually the power to stay in the now and choose wisely in the moment.
If you have any insights or questions about CHOOSING THE MOMENT - I look forward to hearing from you. Contact me at and use the code word DESTINY.
Love and light,
Amber Silverstar

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