Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Dear Friends,

Creating a successful life purpose to include building a destiny you love requires the realistic actions, thoughts and words of staying positive. This sounds easy but can be very difficult when your life is surrounded by what seems to be negative people and negative experiences. I find when negativity starts showing up on my "canvas of life" that I need to take the time to use one or more tools to change the direction of my destiny and stay on the pathway of light which I have chosen. Here are several workable suggestions. These suggestions will assist you in staying positive, healthy and successful while navigating through the sometimes rough waters of negative challenges.

1. Remember to surround yourself everyday with the white light of positive forces and spiritual connections. I usually do this by saying affirmations, lighting yellow or white candles and using lemons as aromatherapy as well as color reminders of wisdom, hope, and cleansing.

2. The next suggestions is a little more difficult as you must turn the focus inward to see what might be negative within your own spirit. What negativity might you be holding onto or forgetting to transform into a positive emotion or thought which has clarity, love and joy? Using a prayer of forgiveness is a wonderful tool to chase away negative clouds which may be hanging over your destiny. Try: "I forgive everyone, everything, past, present, or future. I forgive, I forgive, I forgive. There are no bonds holding me to this negative experience. I am free, I am free, I am free."

3. If the above actions are having less than the results you are looking for and the negative situations are continuing for more than seventy two hours, seek professional help for a reflection you might be overlooking, or ask for a solution in your dreams, or you might pose a question and seek the answers through automatic writing or during meditations.

These are the remedies which I have found to be most successful in staying positive in situations, environments, or relationships which are consistently developing into negative challenges. I hope the above solutions work well for you.

If you have questions or comments - please send an email to amber@ambersilverstar.com or call 1-626-796-8605 and leave a message. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Love and light,
Amber Silverstar

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Butterfly Journal For 2008 - A Free Gift For You

The New Year of 2008 is the perfect time to start a brand new journal. Try using a journal to record your dreams, create your own dream dictionary, or start a dream journal group.
Destiny Bright Designs features the perfect journal called the Butterfly Bright Journal just for this purpose. The Butterfly Bright Journal is yours as a gift plus a free Destiny Bright Intuitive Consultation.
For more information and to see the Butterfly Bright Journal, just click on the link below and contact Amber Silverstar at ambersilverstar11@yahoo.com. Be sure to use the code word JOURNAL.
Let this New Year of 2008 be the year you put your dreams to work for you. All is possible! Like the butterfly, let your wings take flight and your dreams be free.
Link: http://www.cafepress.com/butterflybright

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Dear Readers,

It is the New Year - the year of 2008. It is a great year to begin again, only this time the beginnings are with the experiences of lessons learned from the previous nine years. Why? Because ten is the number of one the second time around: 2008 is two plus eight or ten. Ten is also the power number for multiplying abundance. It is the number you think of when you talk about the quality of someone or something being a perfect "10".

You can use this information together with simple changes to realize dramatic results for a great 2008.

1. Write a list of areas in your life where you think you have made major accomplishments in the past nine years. Rate those accomplishments on a scale of one to ten.

2. Review your list and ask yourself how you can multiply the success of those areas to the power of ten. Just doing an affirmation like, "I love my destiny" with your intention of increasing the goodness of the past nine years will start you on the path of a great 2008.

3. Make a list of areas in your life where you think you did not achieve the success that you had hoped for in the past nine years. Again, rate those areas on a scale of one to ten. The lowest being the area of least success.

4. Review your list and ask yourself if you would like to begin again. If the answer is "Yes" then create a new "destiny plan". How? Start a journal where you can write each day about how your new beginnings are expanding and growing. Write about your intention to creatively focus on the results you are hoping to see. Keep a list of ten positive things you can do to make the new beginnings a true success.

Let me know what your experiences are and the successes you are having - simple changes which you affirm, plan for, and multiply will bring dramatic results toward making and keeping your DESTINY BRIGHT in 2008.

Special Note: The above design to the right ... "I love my Destiny" appears on apparel, greetings, home and office decor, plus cloth bags, buttons, and calendars. Wonderful, positive images and words on great products to encourage you make the year 2008 the perfect "10" for you. To see and shop log onto http://www.cafepress.com/ambersilverstar.

For a free DESTINY BRIGHT Journal With Purpose, just email amber@ambersilverstar.com and use the code word destiny.

Happy New Year 2008
Love and light,

All contents of this page, including designs, logo and titles are copyright 2008 Amber Silverstar and can only be used in any form or derivation through written permission.